King StarBoard®
King StarBoard® The Original Marine Grade High-Density Polyethylene Building Sheet
For Parks and Recreation applications, many of King Plastic Corporation’s polymer building sheets are environmentally stabilized for indoor as well as outdoor applications. King StarBoard®, King StarBoard® AS, King ColorBoard® and King ColorCore® last a lifetime in harsh outdoor environments including marine, playground, swimming pool, children’s furniture and sign applications. King Plasti-Bal® is a heavy-duty, waterproof and graffiti resistant polymer sheet ideal for indoor benches, lockers, restroom partitions and shower enclosures.
King StarBoard® AS is an anti-skid, marine-grade, high-density polyethylene sheet.
King StarBoard® AS Read More »
King ColorBoard® is a colorful environmentally stabilized high-density polyethylene sheet.
King ColorCore® is a versatile multi-color engravable high-density polyethylene sheet with multiple layers of contrasting colors.
King Plasti-Bal® is a heavy-duty, waterproof and graffiti resistant polyethylene sheet designed for commercial and industrial architectural applications.