King ColorBoard® Logo

The Colorful Environmentally Stabilized Polymer Sheet

King ColorBoard®


  • Amusement Parks
  • Children’s Furniture
  • Children’s Museums
  • Family Entertainment Centers
  • Historic & Cultural Centers
  • Hospitals
  • Libraries
  • Museums
  • Parks and Recreation
  • Resorts & Water Parks
  • Science Centers
  • School Equipment
  • Theme Parks
  • Zoos & Aquariums

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King ColorBoard® is a colorful environmentally stabilized high-density polyethylene sheet. It is the product of a proprietary process called K-Stran™, the most advanced manufacturing process for superior flatness and consistency. King ColorBoard® has a matte finish on both sides of sheet. It is environmentally stabilized to withstand the harshest outdoor conditions. King ColorBoard® will not rust, delaminate or rot when exposed to UV, humidity or water. The material is versatile, durable and colorfast for the competitive edge you’re looking for. Its bright, primary colors make it ideal for sign, industrial, marine, playground and recreational applications. For maximum versatility, standard colors are made to coordinate with King ColorCore®. The polymer sheet never needs painting or refinishing, works like wood and it is easy to fabricate using common woodworking tools and techniques.

King ColorBoard® is upgradable to King MicroShield® with an advanced antimicrobial technology for protecting the product surface against stain and odor causing bacteria, algae and fungi.*

King ColorBoard is upgradable with King FlameShield, for ASTM E-84 Class A Flame Compliance and CAN/ULC-S102 for Canadian Compliance.

For more information about King MicroShield® and King FlameShield, please visit those product pages.

Disclaimer: King MicroShield® may affect color. King FlameShield may affect finish and color.

Standard Sheet Size

in:48″ x 96″
mm:1219mm x 2438mm

Standard Gauges


Approximate Weight

lbs:40 lbs80 lbs120 lbs

Tolerance Information:
Gauges 1/4″ up to 3/4” ± 5% | Length and width plus only at room temperature

Custom sheet sizes, gauges and colors available

PropertiesUnitsASTMNominal Values
Tensile Strength @ YieldpsiD638>4,100
Tensile ModuluspsiD638255,000
Elongation @ Break%D638>600
Elongation @ Yield%D6389.8
Flexural ModuluspsiD790185,000
Flexural Stress @ 5% StrainpsiD7903,810
Compressive Properties 10% StrainpsiD6954,950
DurometerShore DD224068
Tensile Impactft.lbs./in.2D1822115
Izod Impact Resistanceft.lbs./in.2 D2561.1
Brittleness Temp.ºC (ºF)D746<-76ºC (<-105ºF)
Vicat Softening Temp.ºC (ºF) D1525128°C (262°F)
Heat Deflection Temp. 66 psiºC (ºF) D64899°C (210°F)
Screw and Nail WithdrawallbsD1761657 & 63

All values are determined on specimens prepared according to ASTM standards.
Nominal values should not be interpreted as specifications.
King ColorBoard® is made entirely from FDA and USDA approved material.
King ColorBoard® meets ASTM D4976.
The raw material used to make King ColorBoard® does not contain BPA’s or Phthalates.

Protect Your Interests with E-84 Class A Flame Compliance Polymer Sheets from King Plastic Corporation
Available as an Upgrade with King FlameShield

The ASTM E84

This test method is intended to compare the surface flame spread and smoke developed measurements to those obtained from the tests of mineral fiber cement board and select grade red oak flooring. The results are expressed as Flame Spread Index and Smoke Developed Index.

Class A Interior Finish:

Flame Spread Index 0-25, Smoke Developed Index 0-450. Includes any material classified at 25 or less on the flame spread test scale and 450 or less on the smoke developed test scale. Any element thereof when so tested shall not continue to propagate fire.

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