Austin Custom CNC Review of King ColorCore®

Fabricator gives a review on using King ColorCore®

Transcript from video:

Check this out. This is my favorite new material. It’s called [King] ColorCore® by a company called King Plastic, and this stuff is amazing. You can see here [that] it cuts like butter. It’s super crisp and the best part about it is there’s zero finishing required. You take this off the CNC and it’s ready to go. It’s a product that’s totally stable outdoors and it’ll last forever. No finishing, no painting because it has a .05 veneer of whatever color you want. It comes in some standard colors. And you can, if you have a really large order of thousands of pounds, you can get custom colors as well… but certainly with standard colors. Once you engrave, you expose whatever the interior color is. Now the obvious use for this is [for] signs, which is what you see me doing here. But I’m really excited about the potential for doing much more creative things. Everything from furniture to art. Somebody actually, I’m not sure who this was, but the manufacturer’s rep sent me this image of a Miami parking garage where they did an entire facade with some really cool engraved [King] ColorCore® and I think this is just the tip of the iceberg with what you can do with this. It’s about 350 dollars for a three-quarter sheet. They also offer one-half inch and one, quarter inch. And this company also offers the solid colors which are often used for playscapes and things like that, [which] are a little bit less expensive as well. So check it out, I think this could be an especially good option for landscape architects and interior designers who want to do something a little bit different and a little bit more interesting. I’m especially curious if anyone can think of a project that would warrant about 3,000 pounds of neon colors because I just really want that. And finally, if you want to learn more about [King] ColorCore® or any other material, I recommend going to our website and at the top, there’s a link to a materials database where we keep this material as well as some rough pricing and suppliers at least for Austin. All right thanks for watching.

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